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Nicole and Adam Hicks

Nicole and Adam Hicks

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Nicole and Adam Hicks


Hi there!


Nicole and I are inspired by the work of the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) and Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation (GMRF), so we have decided to raise money for them as part of our participation in the NFIA Patron’s Annual Walk for Charity 2024.

We’ve created this page as we want to make a difference in the research and treatment of dementiaanxiety and depressionParkinson’s disease and cancer. Both Nicole and I have been affected in some way by these diseases; having lost loved ones to Alzheimer’s disease, a close friend with Parkinson’s disease, family members with cancer.


Please help us to assist them by giving whatever you can using the ‘Donate’ button. The more people that know about the Queensland Brain Institute and Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation the greater their impact.

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The University of QLD (Queensland Brain Institute) and Gallipoli Medical Research Ltd Split Charity

The University Of Queensland and Gallipoli Medical Research Ltd Split Charity

Your generosity enables us to continually tackle the most pressing global challenges. Because of you, our students, researchers and teachers are well prepared to continue in the pursuit of knowledge and creating real change.

GMRF works to enhance the health and wellbeing of the military family and the wider community through innovative medical research.

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